Group Reflections & Own Ideas

Discussing my social issue with my peers, I got some really good feedback/suggestions on what I could do. Refer to the image below:

Group Suggestions.jpg

I received new ideas as well ideas of which I had already established.

New ideas included:

  • amplified sounds eg. clock ticking, tapping on the table
  •  handheld shots
  • compare NZ schooling system with other countries
  • interview staff and get their perspective/solution to the problem

These ideas are ones that I would definitely use and incorporate within my moving image. I also received great interview questions to add to my pre-existing ones. I feel the amplified sounds will bring forth the uneasy feeling as well as build an atmosphere that reflects the issue. Looking into other schooling systems would give me an idea on how NZ could improve and the differentials regarding the financial help that students receive. Interviewing staff would be interesting as they come from previous generations and their take on the matter will offer another perspective held by those raised in a different time period. Handheld shots would help make the moving image more genuine and authentic.

Pre-existing ideas include: (but not limited to):

  • statistics
  • verbal quotes/visual typography
  • simple/handwritten font (reflect student handwriting)
  • Black and White
  • Panning Shots/Mid-Body Shots
  • Interview variety of students (different perspectives)
  • Narrative

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